Buxton Students held their 3rd Climate and Environment Conference on
16th November 2023. 168 students joined local and national organisations to focus on positive activities to help our planet. The conference was organised by Transition Buxton with their National Lottery Heritage Fund Grant.
Since 2021 local climate action group, Transition Buxton, has hosted a Climate and Environment Conference for local children and young people. At the conference students have been able to meet local organisations who are helping to protect our wildlife and the habitats where they live and to look after our planet.
Students represent their schools at the conference. You can follow news about the conference here.
Buxton’s Student Conferences take place when the international COPs take place. COPs are the United Nations Climate Change annual Conferences called the Conference of Parties (COP) and 2024 will be the 29th time that world leaders have met to focus on climate change. YOUNGO is the young people’s section of the United Nations Framework for Climate Change and you can follow what they are up to from their website. Here is an introduction to them.