Billie Bumblebee is a project between @TransitionBuxton and @FriendsofBuxtonStation. Billie was gifted to Transition Buxton by @WildInArt and travels around Buxton and beyond to help children learn about Bumblebees, other pollinators and the importance of our wildflowers. Billie loves going to schools, Scouts and Girl Guiding groups.
In 2023 @BugLife gave Transition Buxton a grant to support the planting of wildflower areas in schools around Buxton. Children dug up areas and planted seeds, plug plants and flowers to create more areas for pollinators. They created their own wildflower areas during @BuxtonWildWeeks.
Links to
Friends of Buxton Station
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust: Bee A Hero
No Mow May and Let It Bloom June